Maggio 2017

Hidden Photos wins at the Bellaria Film Festival

Hidden Photos wins as Best Film in the "Casa Rossa Art Doc" Competition at the 20th edition of the Bellaria Film Festival

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“Hidden Photos” and “Dusk Chorus - based on Fragments of Extinction” tour at international film festivals.

“Hidden Photos” will be part of the official competition of the upcoming "Bellaria Film Festival" (Casa Rossa Art Doc); “Dusk Chorus - based on Fragments of Extinction”, by Nika Saravanja, Alessandro D’Emilia and Otis Buri, will have its Asian Premiere at the next "Green Film Festival in Seoul" and then its Italian Premiere at the "Cinemambiente Environmental Film Festival"

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Austiran cinema release for “Hidden Photos”

Hidden Photos”, graduation film by Davide Grotta, Alexander Fontana and Gabriele Borghi, will have its theatrical release in Austria on May 19. The film will be at Top Kino Cinema in Vienna from May 19 till June 1. 

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"Vergot" wins at the Doc/It Professional Awards and at the Trento Film Festival

"Vergot" wins at the Doc/It Professional Award and at the Trento Film Festival.

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