
ZeLIG Graduation Films 2022 - 2025
ZeLIG Graduation Films 2022 - 2025
  • Ott 08, 2024

After a successful pitch held in Bolzano on the 3rd of October, the new ZeLIG graduation films, which will close the three-years cycle 2022 - 2025, are now entering their production phase.

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ZeLIG Public Pitch of the Graduation Films
ZeLIG Public Pitch of the Graduation Films
  • Set 24, 2024

On Thursday, 3 October, starting at 9.30h at ZeLIG, there will be the Pitch of the upcoming graduation films.

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Open Day and Film Screening
Open Day and Film Screening
  • Giu 14, 2024

ZeLIG invites you to an OPEN DAY, followed by a ZeLIG film screening "under the stars".

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Pride Month: proiezione di MIO SOVVERSIVO AMORE mercoledì 19 giugno alle 18.00h
Pride Month: proiezione di MIO SOVVERSIVO AMORE mercoledì 19 giugno alle 18.00h
  • Giu 13, 2024

Nell'ambito del PRIDE MONTH di giugno 2024, la ZeLIG organizza la proiezione del cortometraggio MIO SOVVERSIVO AMORE di Valentina Pedicini, per mercoledì 19 giugno alle 18.00h alla ZeLIG.

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Il viaggio degli oggetti
Il viaggio degli oggetti
  • Mag 21, 2024

Il progetto ARGE ALP Tradizione – Diversità – Cambiamento 2 culmina con l'inaugurazione del percorso museale nei sette musei delle regioni alpine partecipanti, in occasione della Giornata Internazionale della diversità culturale (21 maggio).

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ZeLIG "ASK ME ANYTHING" online on May 22, 2024
ZeLIG "ASK ME ANYTHING" online on May 22, 2024
  • Mag 08, 2024

On May 22, 2024, starting at 10.00h CEST (check your local time), there will be an online ASK ME ANYTHING session, via Zoom, where we will present the the three - years didactic cycle and will respond to all your questions regarding the school and our activities. You can register at the following form to receive the Zoom link.

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"Do you get me?", graduation film by Otto Lazić-Reuschel, Julia Inderst and Angela Disanto, awarded at the "Achtung Berlin" Film Festival
"Do you get me?", graduation film by Otto Lazić-Reuschel, Julia Inderst and Angela Disanto, awarded at the "Achtung Berlin" Film Festival
  • Mag 07, 2024

"Do you get me?", graduation film realised by Otto Lazić-Reuschel, Julia Inderst and Angela Disanto, received the award for the Best Medium-Short Documentary at the "Acthung Berlin" Film Festival, which took place in the German capital in April.

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"STANZE", ZeLIG short film, and "DEATH OF A MOUNTAIN" by ZeLIG graduate Nuno Escudeiro, awarded at the 72nd Trento Film Festival
"STANZE", ZeLIG short film, and "DEATH OF A MOUNTAIN" by ZeLIG graduate Nuno Escudeiro, awarded at the 72nd Trento Film Festival
  • Mag 07, 2024

Our students Simona Palmieri, Esther Kreiner and Elisa Cabbai, and our graduate Nuno Escudeiro, received two important awards at the 72nd edition of the Trento Film Festival.

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  • Apr 16, 2024

MASO #1 offre l'opportunità di sviluppare cortometraggi e serie brevi. Il programma mira a sostenere sia i professionisti esperti che i talenti emergenti nel realizzare le proprie visioni creative. In questa prima edizione verranno selezionati  fino a otto team creativi, composti da un regista/sceneggiatore e un produttore. I team riceveranno supporto da esperti internazionali durante le fasi di sviluppo, produzione e distribuzione dei loro progetti. 

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"Stanze" is part of the official program of DIAGONALE '24
"Stanze" is part of the official program of DIAGONALE '24
  • Mar 22, 2024

"Stanze", a short film realised by Simona Palmieri, Esther Kreiner and Elisa Cabbai, has been selected for the official program of "DIAGONALE - Festival of Austrian films"

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"Uscire allo scoperto": two ZeLIG films screened in Cesena, Italy
"Uscire allo scoperto": two ZeLIG films screened in Cesena, Italy
  • Feb 08, 2024

"The Good Intentions" and "Zweisamkeit" will be part of the event named "Uscire allo scoperto: raccontarsi con il cinema documentario", which presents films dealing with family relationships and where the filmmakers have a personal, direct involvement with the protagonists and their stories.

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DUSK CHORUS - Based on "Fragments of Extinction" by David Monachi will be part of SOUNDSCAPES
DUSK CHORUS - Based on "Fragments of Extinction" by David Monachi will be part of SOUNDSCAPES
  • Feb 08, 2024

Our film DUSK CHORUS - Based on "Fragments of Extinction" is part of the two-days event "SOUNDSCAPES - L'esperienza del silenzio e del suono nel paesaggio", which takes place in Treviso on 22. And 23. February.

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"Do you get me?" awarded as Best Film at dokumentART 2023
"Do you get me?" awarded as Best Film at dokumentART 2023
  • Nov 06, 2023

"Do you get me?" has received the award as Best Film at the International Film Festival dokumentART 2023.

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ZeLIG films on festival tour
ZeLIG films on festival tour
  • Ott 05, 2023

Our recent graduation films continue their festival tour. New screenings foreseen between October and November. 

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"Zweisamkeit" Best Debut Film at Visioni dal Mondo
"Zweisamkeit" Best Debut Film at Visioni dal Mondo
  • Set 19, 2023

"Zweisamkeit" receives the Award as Best Debut Film at the International Film Festival Visioni dal Mondo.

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Goodbye dear Mick
Goodbye dear Mick
  • Ago 01, 2023

It is hard to know you are no longer with us. We will miss your passion, your never-ending energy, and your engagement.

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Best Editing Award for "Dear Odesa"
Best Editing Award for "Dear Odesa"
  • Lug 19, 2023

Dear Odesa receives the award for the award for the Best Editing at Sole Luna Doc Film Festival.

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ORERA at Cinemambiente
ORERA at Cinemambiente
  • Giu 13, 2023

ORERA, graduation film by Julien Mounier, Nicola Maccanetti and Andrea Tomarchio, was part of the official program of the International Film Festival "Cinemambiente", which took place in Turin from 5. to 11. June.

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Two important awards for our film CLOUDY MEMORIES
Two important awards for our film CLOUDY MEMORIES
  • Mag 11, 2023

Our graduation film "CLOUDY MEMORIES", realised by Isabella Friedl and Demetra Rizzi, started its festival distribution with two important awards.

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"FUORITEMPO": World Premiere at Bellaria Film Festival
"FUORITEMPO": World Premiere at Bellaria Film Festival
  • Apr 28, 2023

Our recent graduation film, "Fuoritempo", by Matilde Ramini, Lorenzo Covi and Alessandra Bassi, will have its World Premiere at the Bellaria Film Festival, from 10. to 14. May.

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