Dicembre 2016

'Vergot' wins the 'Docunder30' International Film Festival

'Vergot', graduation film by Cecilia Bozza Wolf, Pierpaolo Filomeno and Alex Grassi, has won the prize as best film at the 'Docunder30' International Film Festival in Bologna, Italy.

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ZeLIG Film Fest 2016

On Friday and Saturday, 2 and 3 December, we celebrated the ZeLIG Film Fest.
An enormous success of audience and participation!

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'Hidden Photos' wins at the Human Rights Film Festival 'This Human World'

'Hidden Photos', graduation film realized by Davide Grotta, Alexander Fontana and Gabriele Borghi, has won the award as best film in the category 'up and coming' section at the 2016 edition of International Human Rights Film Festival 'This Human World' in Vienna, Austria. 

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