On Thursday, February 13, at 8 p.m. at Filmclub in Bolzano there will be the screening of AMOR, Italian award-winning documentary realised by Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri, who will introduce the film and participate in a Q&A with the audience afterwards. The screening is part of the film program DOCDAY, organised by FAS - Film Association South Tyrol together with the Art Gallery LUNGOMARE, who will host a talk with the film director at 18.30h of the same day at Filmclub, around the topic "Rivers and Art".
DOCDAY is financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
On Friday 14t, starting at 6 p.m. at ZeLIG, Virginia and the film producer Edoardo Fracchia will participate in a talk about the production of the film, sharing how the creative production of the project started and how it developed during the years, arriving to the final public version of the film: the talk is part of FILM JOUR FIXE meetings organised by IDM Film Commission and it is done in collaboration with ZeLIG and FAS.