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An urban periphery, a small semi-abandoned mansion and its sole inhabitant. A forty-years-old Chinese young man look at the world with cynicism and resentment. Time ago, the building has hosted an experiment of self-management and alternatively shared life. Back then the young man, son of the real Communism, looked at the future and felt to be part of a different history. Today, some friends are still knocking at the door, but just fragments remain of a life lived together, while we can ear the intense noise of the construction sites. A voice over reveals traits of a deep relationship, distant by now. Around the huge Chinese metropolis, constantly in construction and destruction, where the memory's space is increasingly difficult to find.

Here the trailer. 

Director: Désirée Marianini Torta
Cinematographer: Laura Cesarini
Editor: Michal Shanny
Sound recordist: Otis Buri
Sound design: Studio Marinelli

Original Title: Happy New Year
English Title: Happy New Year
Italian Title: Happy New Year
German Title: Happy New Year
Genre: Documentary
Running time: 32’08’’
Original Language: Chinese

Country of production: Italy
Shooting Format: HD 1080@25p
Original Master Format: HD 1080@25p
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
Screening Format: DCP, Apple ProRes or any on request
Audio Format: Stereo (2.0)
Subtitles available: German / Italian / English

Produced by ZeLIG
© 2016 Autonome Provinz Bozen Südtirol - Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Alto Adige